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ezremaster: Wizard that walks you step by step to remaster ISO of tinycore

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I have posted a new version (attached to first message in thread) that includes the following changes:

     -There is now an extra step before the actual ISO image is created.   This gives you an opportunity to make manual changes in the extracted initrd filesystem and/or changes to the directory that will be put on the ISO. 
     -Now logs output to "tc_remaster.log".
     -Added error display message on last page if error is detected during remastering.
     -Made file and directory names more consistent - settings are now saved in "tc_remaster.cfg" and the default temp directory is /tmp/tc_remaster

Version 1.00 has been posted with the follow changes:
     -Misc. bug fixes
     -Added usage output to
     -Added more error detection in


--- Quote from: ixbrian on July 17, 2010, 10:26:50 PM ---Version 1.00 has been posted with the follow changes:
     -Misc. bug fixes
     -Added usage output to
     -Added more error detection in

--- End quote ---

Thank you for all your effort in putting this script together.

To see a demo of tc_remaster in action, check out the following youtube videos:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Version 1.1 is now attached to the first post in this thread with the following changes:

     -Added a third method to add extensions to the remaster (original 2 methods were to include extensions outside the initrd or to include them inside the initrd).   The new third option, "Extract TCZ in to initrd", is to install extensions by copying the extension files into the initrd by mounting the extension and copying all extension files to the extracted initrd filesystem, so that the resulting remaster doesn't have extensions to load at boot as the extensions are integrated in to the initrd.  Extensions are extracted in to the initrd in the correct dependency order, and if the TCZ has a /usr/local/tce.installed/appname startup script the program supports 3 options on how to handle these:  1: Run the TCZ startup scripts in a chroot environment during the remaster, 2:  Add TCZ startup scripts to the /opt/ file, or 3: Ignore startup scripts. 


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