Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

boot using different configuration of mydata.tgz ?

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Let's say if I have 2 different TC configurations installed TC1 and TC2. In order to save space and maintaining packages separately can I just use like onboot1.lst + mydata1.tgz  or onboot2.lst + mydata2.tgz  in one  /tce directories instead of 2 separate dir during boot ?


--- Quote from: libretto on June 25, 2010, 06:35:59 AM ---Let's say if I have 2 different TC configurations installed TC1 and TC2. In order to save space and maintaining packages separately can I just use like onboot1.lst + mydata1.tgz  or onboot2.lst + mydata2.tgz  in one  /tce directories instead of 2 separate dir during boot ?

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I guess no. Better to have two different tce directories and scecify which one you want to use with a boot option.


--- Quote ---I guess no. Better to have two different tce directories and scecify which one you want to use with a boot option.
--- End quote ---

Why not ? Why better ?


--- Quote from: libretto on June 25, 2010, 06:48:33 AM ---
--- Quote ---I guess no. Better to have two different tce directories and scecify which one you want to use with a boot option.
--- End quote ---

Why not ? Why better ?

--- End quote ---

Because it already works  :-*

Yes it works to have separate directories but doesn't mean it's better or more efficient.  ;D Imagine if you have 5 or 6 or more.........


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