Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core 3.0 Alpha 8 Testing
--- Quote from: althalus on June 23, 2010, 05:46:30 PM ---I tried combining -falfa with -always-ontop to try and get the same behaviour as something that properly auto-hides, but unfortunately I get an ugly square of my background stop on top of any windows in wbar's way. Leaving out the -always-ontop still leaves wbar in the position of being stuck behind my windows where I can't use it. Unfortunately at this point in time, wbar still just doesn't cut it for me, at least not until it has a proper auto-hide feature, so I stand by my original request in this topic.
For now I've remastered TC and replaced the wbar_icon_upd.sh script with one that does the same for tablaunch, but I'd like to be able to submit tablaunch to the repo complete with a script to have it automatically update when new extensions are installed.
--- End quote ---
I am implementing generic support for icon manager like that of desktop window manager.
You will be able to have tablaunch function like wbar. Fully supported.
--- Quote from: roberts on June 26, 2010, 10:03:00 PM ---I am implementing generic support for icon manager like that of desktop window manager.
You will be able to have tablaunch function like wbar. Fully supported.
--- End quote ---
Again, many thanks.
Looks like the libpng.so symlink changed between alpha7 and 8. I don't think this should've happened; it should still point to libpng12.so, not to libpng.so.3 as it now does.
Hi all!
Just wanted to mention that clamav seems to need some fixing to work with tinycore 3.0. After issuing the command: freshclam I get the following error message: ERROR: Can't open/parse the config file /usr/local/etc/clamav/freshclam.conf and that also is the case using sudo.
Have fun making TinyCore progress,
Jason W:
Clamav: likely just an extension issue, I will look into it.
Thanks for reporting but please open a thread in the TCE Bugs section for any further discussion on it.
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