Perhaps this has been discussed? I couldn't find it anywhere.
.xsession can't handle "99 conky" due to the space in the filename. .xsession tries to load "99" then "conky". [EDIT: I'm on 2.11, but don't see this in the 2.11+ change lists]
One solution is to not uses spaces.

Another is to quote the $F dereference in .xsession:
--- .xsession
+++ .xsession-new
@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
[ -x ./.setbackground ] && ./.setbackground
[ -x ./.mouse_config ] && ./.mouse_config &
-XDIR=".X.d" && if [ -d $XDIR ]; then for F in $XDIR/*; do . $F; done; fi
+XDIR=".X.d" && if [ -d $XDIR ]; then for F in $XDIR/*; do . "$F"; done; fi