Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

Quick tricks, calendar, dirty image viewer

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I followed the advice for accessing the calendar, but my screen just blinked (I think showing the calendar), but then the terminal closed. How do I get it to persist?


--- Quote from: ^thehatsrule^ on March 08, 2009, 04:09:53 PM ---Odd - globbing shouldn't be needed.  What kind of setup/environment do you have?

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Sorry I missed see your question.  Without the "*" it omits the path.....(.necessary because backgrounds.html is stored in $HOME)  


--- Quote from: tshandy33 on March 23, 2009, 10:51:46 AM ---I followed the advice for accessing the calendar, but my screen just blinked (I think showing the calendar), but then the terminal closed. How do I get it to persist?

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are you using the latest version of tc? i just tried it in tc 1.0, i think busybox has been updated since then. make certain you typed everything exactly, including the 0 38. normally i would suggest putting the part after -e in double quotes and adding && read, but since "use navigation commands" is in quotes you'll need to give more information, like whether you're trying to run this from the jwm menu and what version of tc.


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