Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 3.x



Jason W:
thanks to JLS for:

--- Code: ---Title: farsight2-dev.tcz
Description: a framework to deal with all known audio/video conferencing protocols dev files
Version: 0.0.20
Author: ?
Original-site: http://farsight.freedesktop.org
Copying-policy: GPL 2.1 or later
Size: 884.0K
Extension_by: jls_legalize (unsenepopiu at tin dot it)
Comments: dev files

This extension is PPI compatible
Change-log: 2010/02/13 First version 0.0.17
Current: 2010/06/03 Updated to 0.0.20

--- End code ---

--- Code: ---Title: farsight2.tcz
Description: a framework to deal with all known audio/video conferencing protocols
Version: 0.0.20
Author: ?
Original-site: http://farsight.freedesktop.org
Copying-policy: GPL 2.1 or later
Size: 356.0K
Extension_by: jls_legalize (unsenepopiu at tin dot it)
Comments: This extension is PPI compatible
Change-log: 2010/02/13 First version 0.0.17
Current: 2010/06/03 Updated to 0.0.20

--- End code ---

Arslan S.:
typo at farsight2-dev.tcz.dep
farsigth2.tcz --> farsight2.tcz
libffi-dev --> libffi-dev.tcz

Jason W:


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