Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 3.x


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Jason W:
For now the dep files have been adjusted back to use ogg-vorbis.tcz.  For both 2.x and 3.x.  /usr/local/lib/libao.so points to either libao.so.2 or libao.so.4 depending on which version it is, so having both versions would seem to conflict though it may work for some extensions.

Arslan S.:
you can delete libao.so in fact it is a part of development files

Edit: i mean that a temporary extension with just two files libao.so.2 and libao.so.2.y.z is enough for those broken extensions

Jason W:
True, it is not the .so that is linked to but the .so.2 or .so.4. I will create a libao legacy extension with those two files to allow the use of the newer vorbis stuff.  That would allow a gradual transition to the newer libao. 

But it would be good when library extensions are updated if the submitter would check to see if there differences in the new one that will break existing apps.  Biggest thing to look for probably the number of the lib.so.X files.  If they change number, then likely they will break apps.  The upstream changelogs will also often tell if an update will break things. 

Jason W:
These extensions depend on the old libao files, at least from what I could tell from some basic scripting.  I will add libao2 to their dep files and reinstate the new ogg vorbis stuff.


Jason W:
Ok, lets try this again, with the new vorbis-tools.tcz replacing ogg-vorbis.tcz in dep files, 2.x and 3.x.


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