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Author Topic: Flit 1.2.2 supports scalable screen size and OLPC XO-1  (Read 4604 times)

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Flit 1.2.2 supports scalable screen size and OLPC XO-1
« on: May 04, 2010, 04:17:22 AM »
V. 1.2.2 EDIT: Fixed a bug that appears when using a mono-type ALSA control paramter.

V. 1.2.1 EDIT: Version 1.2.0 (and probably back to 1.1.0) had a bug that broke the OSS interface.  The version 1.2.1 code fixes it, so please use it.  A new flit.tcz extension file has been submitted to the official repository.  I hope it is released in the coming week or so.

Hello.  I've been working on some updates to Flit at the urging of forum member mavrothal that make Flit more usable on One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) XO-1 laptops, and perhaps others too.  (Thanks to mavrothal for suggestions and testing the new features!)

The first new feature in version 1.2.0 is scalable sizing for the Flit applets.  If you have a high-resolution screen and you would like the applets to look 50% bigger than normal, you may edit the .flit.conf file to use a new zoom factor of 1.50.

The second new feature is OLPC X0-1 specific battery state of charge display and time remaining estimation.  This is in addition to the previous ACPI capabilities, so if you don't have the XO-1, you won't need to change anything... detection of either X0-1 or ACPI battery information is automatic.  If you want to save a few bytes, you compile Flit without the X0-1 support.

Note that if you are still using Flit 1.0.0 from the official repository, we added ALSA sound-level support in the 1.1.0 version, which was never officially released in the TC repository.

I am not current on how to build .tcz extensions, especially with the new TC 2.11 support for freedesktop standards.  Is there another forum member who would like to help me make a .tcz for submission for the official repository?  Let me know.
Mike L.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 12:28:00 AM by MikeLockmoore »

Offline bmarkus

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Re: Flit 1.2.0 supports scalable screen size and OLPC XO-1
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2010, 04:19:18 AM »
I can help with the freedesktop related stuff. Send me a PM.
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Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: Flit 1.2.0 supports scalable screen size and OLPC XO-1
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2010, 02:58:27 AM »
Thanks to bmarkus and wiki information, I put together a freedesktop-compatible .tcz extension and have submitted it for the official repository.  Hopefully, everything will be OK and officially released.
Mike L.

Offline mavrothal

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Re: Flit 1.2.0 supports scalable screen size and OLPC XO-1
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2010, 10:11:57 AM »
The tcz is fine on the XO-1
Thanks again.

An "always on top" option would be nice if you ever decide a  v1.2+  :)

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: Flit 1.2.1 supports scalable screen size and OLPC XO-1
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2010, 11:12:52 PM »
Here is the build-tcz.sh script:

Code: [Select]
# Build .tcz extension package for version 2.11 of Tinycore
# Michael A. Losh, based in part on TC Wiki and suggestions of bmarkus

COMMENT='System Tray with Applets'

mkdir /tmp/${PROG}
cd /tmp/${PROG}

# Executable
mkdir -p usr/local/bin
cp ${BASEDIR}/${PROG} usr/local/bin/
chmod 755 usr/local/bin/${PROG}

# Icon
mkdir -p usr/local/share/pixmaps
#cp ${BASEDIR}/${PROG}.png usr/local/share/pixmaps

# Help file
mkdir -p usr/share/doc/tc
cp ${BASEDIR}/${PROG}_help.htm usr/share/doc/tc/

# .desktop file for icons on desctop, menu items

mkdir usr/local/share/applications
echo "[Desktop Entry]" > usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "Name=${PROG}" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "Comment=${COMMENT}" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "GenericName=${PROG_CAPS}" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "Exec=${PROG}" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
#echo "Icon=${PROG}" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "Icon=logo" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "Terminal=false" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "StartupNotify=true" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "Type=Application" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "Categories=Utility;" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
#echo "X-FullPathIcon=/usr/local/share/pixmaps/${PROG}.png" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "X-FullPathIcon=/usr/local/share/pixmaps/logo.png" >> usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "******************************"
cat usr/local/share/applications/${PROG}.desktop
echo "******************************"

cd /tmp/${PROG}
echo "Packaging the following files..."
find /tmp/${PROG}
echo "******************************"
mksquashfs . ../${PROG}.tcz -noappend

find usr -not -type d > ../${PROG}.tcz.list

# Create md5 file
cd /tmp
md5sum ${PROG}.tcz > ${PROG}.tcz.md5.txt

cp /tmp/${PROG}.tcz* ${BASEDIR}
rm -rf /tmp/${PROG}
rm -rf /tmp/${PROG}.tcz*

echo "Build of .tcz for TC 2.11+ is complete."

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: Flit 1.2.2 supports scalable screen size and OLPC XO-1
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2010, 12:35:32 AM »
Fixed a bug related to use of a mono (monaural) type control parameter in ALSA.  In some sound hardware, the "Master" volume parameter can be mono.  Flit did not properly handle reading the feedback generated when changing a mono parameter.  Fixed as of version 1.2.2.  Updated packages submitted for TC 2.11 and TC 3.0.
Mike L.