Hi List,
It's my second days living with TCL ("tinycore_2.11.3.iso").
I've a couple of questions please:
1. How can I easily delete an extension?
2. I figured out how to install my extensions and make them permanent by backing them up
and restore them (thanks ".filetool.lst"). But this is a bit annoying as my boot time is much longer
now. Is it possible to have them installed forever (under /usr/local) without beign forced to mount them
(even if the process is automatic) after each reboot?
3. How do I set "bash" as my default shell permanently (even after a reboot).
4. I'm looking after "zlib" extension. Juanito seems to have package it under "base-dev" (see
http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=6256.0). If I've an extension which depends on "zlib", should I put "base-dev" instead of "zlib" in the ".dep" file or should I leave it without?
Thanks in advance.