Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x



Jason W:
thanks to  Xianwen Chen for:

--- Code: ---Title:          keepassx.tcz
Description:    KeePassX is a multi-platform open source password manager.
Version:        0.4.0-r3
Author:         KeePassX Team
Original-site:  http://www.keepassx.org/
Copying-policy: Public Domain
Size: 904.5 KB
Extension_by:   Xianwen Chen
Comments:       ----
Change-log:     2009/01/20 0.3.1-r1
2009/01/20 0.4.0-r1
2009/01/20 0.4.0-r2
Current:        2009/01/20 0.4.0-r3
Source:         Precomiled binary: http://darkstar.ist.utl.pt/slackware/addon/slacky/slackware-13.0/security/keepassx/0.4.0/keepassx-0.4.0-i486-2cf.txz
                Icon: https://keepassx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/keepassx/trunk/share/keepassx/icons/keepassx_large.png

--- End code ---

OK.  I'm confused.  Is there an extension for Keepassx?  I couldn't find it in the Apps.

Need to have it though.  I can't open anything on my computer without it.

Any possibility of this becoming an extension if it isn't yet?

Seems to be in repo of 2.x, but not of 3.x

If I understand the entry in the .info file correctly this TC 2.x extension was not build for TC but extracted out of a Slackware build. IIRC this is not quite compatible with current TC policy. Given the fact that v0.4.0 is not the most recent release anymore a proper build of the current v0.4.3 would be on order.

Albeit there is the question of maintainership of an existing extension ...


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