Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 3.0 Alpha 6 Testing

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Arslan S.:
boot codes: quiet tce=sda9

i have setup tc on hard drive with backup/restore


From a quick glance, it seems that the problem starts after coreutils is installed

I think I could track down one thing...

coreutils.tcz is causing the problem on my system. every extension loaded before coreutils is ok, every extension loaded after coreutils in onboot.lst gets mounted with suffix. Strangely on tc3.0a3 the extension after coreutils (in my case bash.tcz) doesn't load at all although it's in onboot.lst and in the repo. On tc3.0a6 bash.tcz loads but with suffix.

bootcodes: kmap=de-latin1 tce=hda1 home=hda1 restore=hda1 opt=hda1 lang=de_DE quiet

@hats: wow that quick shot came unexpectedly from out of nowhere ;-)

Found it. Fixed it.
Nothing wrong with coreutils, except that its utils are so much more bloated than what I need during boot.

I bit this isn't a new one, but I wanted to note it anyway:

If you boot with the "user=xxx" option, the directories "/home/xxx/.OnDemand" and "/home/xxx/.wmx" will still be owned by "tc" instead of "xxx".


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