Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 3.0 Alpha 5 testing

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--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ wbar.sh
tc@box:~$ wbar: unrecognized option '-bpress -vbar -pos right -zoomf 1.78 -nofont'

--- End code ---

edit: Removing the double quotes around $OPTION in wbar.sh fixes the problem.

Couldn' test alpha 4. With alpha 5 I have the same boot errors I had with alpha2 and alpha 3 but not with alpha1 (see http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=6021.msg32363#msg3263 in alpha 3 thread for details)

jano: First up I don't pretend to really know much at all about the following, so I can only hope that some of the other guys are stepping in when I'm "talking nonsense" here:

* I was surprised that you reported your problems to have started with alpha2 since the kernel got build again with alpha3. The only change I could find between alpha1 (i.e. "good") and alpha2 (i.e. "bad") that I would associate with the "udev area" was the addition of KERNEL=="ramzswap*",        GROUP="root",         MODE="0600" in '/etc/udev/rules.d/55-tc.rules'. Maybe you could re-master the initrd of TC 3.0alpha5 with a version that removes this entry again and see whether that makes a difference (BTW I would not bother with the 'advdef' step since "squeezing out" the last bits from the file should not be critical for your testing).
* Since I assume that some sort of race condition or some other failure happens to "udev" I wonder whether you should remaster the initrd with a view of changing '/etc/init.d/tc-config' a bit: I see that /sbin/udevd --daemon 2>/dev/null >/dev/null inhibits all output, and that a '--debug' option is available. I therefore wonder if a change to /sbin/udevd --daemon --debug would show more information in the 'syslog'.
* Likewise there are several uses of /sbin/udevadm in the same file where all output is inhibited. I suppose running these commands in the background is critical and running them in the foreground might not be an option.Well, that are just my 2c ...


--- Quote from: Juanito on May 30, 2010, 02:31:06 AM ---This was probably there before, but when I use appsaudit to update bluez, the updated dep file contains bluetooth-KERNEL.tcz rather than bluetooth-{,64}.tcz

--- End quote ---

Found it.
Fixed it.

As I tried to understand some of the changes between TC 3.0alpha4 and 3.0alpha5 I made the following observations:

* In '/usr/lib' a fair amount has changed (as mentioned in the release notes), but I've stumbled upon a few files that I'm not sure to which degree they are still required:
[o]libSM.so.6.0.0 has no symbolic link pointing to it (those are now pointing to libSM.so.6.0.1)[o]libX11.so.6.2.0 has no symbolic link pointing to it (those are now pointing to libX11.so.6.3.0)[/list]
[o]libXi.so.6.0.0 has no symbolic link pointing to it (those are now pointing to libXi.so.6.1.0)[/list]
[o]libXrandr.so.2.1.0 has no symbolic link pointing to it (those are now pointing to libXrandr.so.2.2.0)[/list]
[li]There appear to be only three libraries left which have not been updated: libXfontcache.so.1.0.0, libfontenc.so.1.0.0, and libjpeg.so.62.0.0.
[o]The latter one I could explain myself. Maybe the latest stable release is seen as still too "fresh" given the fact that it's merely two weeks old.
[o]But the two former ones I thought might be part of Xorg and would therefore be updated.[/li][/list][/list]
I'd appreciate if someone wiser might be kind enough to explain this to me.


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