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Author Topic: [SOLVED] TCZ creation error invalid argument with dpkg-deb to help build package  (Read 2396 times)


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I am aware of the wiki and the guidelines post thankyou.

I am still new to TC.

I have successfully creating an tcz (locally) and tested locally but its real ugly for mods to validate my GPLness as I built it on a Debian system as I was unsuccessful working out various compiler issues on TC.

Did I forget to mention I am a script/compile novice? heh heh

2) So I am trying to be smarter and am now downloading in TC, a deb or 2 and running

dpkg-deb -x downloadfilename foldername

to unpack it.

Then I do things....sorry to be vague and follow the balance of the wiki to get
mksquashfs package new.tcz

3) Taking that new.tcz I then use root powers to
Code: [Select]
chown tc:staff new.tcz
chmod 744 new.tcz
su tc
tce-load -i new.tcz

Error is

mounting of /dev/loop(number) on /tmp/tcloop/new failed:invalid argument

4) As I have done a number of things before packaging the tcz.....is it possible to know what else I should do the any tcz creation like ownership and permissions Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

I am deliberately not saying what the package is ....as its a bit new for TC....and may upset very good people here who wonder why I am nuts to offer such a package to tinycorers.

Forgive me

any help on what else to check would be appreciated.

BTW, the working tcz file....the one from a debian compile....installs ok and says it installs ok.

I have deliberately not created any "install" scripts as I am creating a wiki to guide users on that path and need their consent to be "nuts"

Naturally I am a persistent user so do not feel nuts all the time

thanks for reading and hope someone can understand me.

--------------------more trivia------------------------
I think the dpkg-dev is a fine tool....I am not claiming any error in the folders unpacked by this tool

« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 08:46:20 PM by aus9 »

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Re: TCZ creation error invalid argument
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2010, 07:36:28 AM »
If you used mksquashfs on Debian, are you sure it's the same version & settings as ours? (4.0, with 4k blocksize)
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.


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Re: TCZ creation error invalid argument
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2010, 09:36:49 AM »


I found them...I had missed some scripts and added some files back in

tcz loads locally built on TC.

Now to fix up my other stuff
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 10:31:21 AM by aus9 »