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I set up a desktop a few years ago that works fine for me, and it hasn't changed much since...I use the same thing in 3 distros (using Awesome in Pure:Dyne, but it's still not much different).  I took this screenshot 2 years ago, and the only thing that has changed is "log" is now "syslog" and "crap" is now "0".

Here's quick screenshot of the old desktop - conky should be showing various world times (courtesy of citytime by wdef) but for some reason conky thinks citytime is already running when it is not...

Split off-topic discussion to:

tinycore running flwm.dsl (mydsl testing,) imlib.tcel, libstdc++-5.0.7.tcel, xtdesk and wbar. xtdesk (binary) and xtdeskrc (text) copied from dsl 3.3, .lnk files matching wbar config shown in aterm. (important: to make "xterm" work in flwm, sudo su, cp /usr/bin/aterm /usr/bin/xterm or create symlink) cp /home/tc/.desktop /home/tc/.olddesk && echo wm: flwm > /home/tc/.desktop

click for full size

Here's a screenshot of my latest desktop config.
I did quite a bit to achieve a fully realized theme, you'll find the screencap at
I worked on editing .conkyrc, .jwmrc-tray, made my own blue jwmTheme, and the tux/tinycore wallpaper in gimp.  The Opera skin is the o-simple theme with a blue color scheme setting.

I'd like to hear what you think, and if you like it the wallpaper is available at



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