Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 3.0 Alpha 4 Testing

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This may not have anything to do with tc3.0 but  I used to be able to:

--- Code: --- sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/dropbear start -w -g -m -p 57231 -b /etc/dropbear/banner

--- End code ---
where the -p option set the port number. Now the -p seems to be ignored:

from "top"

--- Code: ---1266  1264 root     S     2236  0.1   0  0.0 /usr/bin/dropbear -w -g -b /etc/dropbear/banner

--- End code ---

and indeed port 22 is used not 57231.

edit: Ok, I see what's going on, I'm calling the dropbear script which needs to be modified to include the command options. When using the command:

--- Code: --- sudo dropbear -w -g -m -p 57231 -b /etc/dropbear/banner

--- End code ---

it works as before.

odd error on manual backup using panel tool:
Should be sdb1/tce?

--- Code: ---tc@box:/tmp$ cat backup_status
tar: can't open '/mnt/sdb1/tcebackup/mydata.tgz': No such file or directory

--- End code ---

removed mydata.tgz and selected none on panel backuptool then entered sdb1/tce and tried again. Then I received the following error:

--- Code: ---tc@box:/tmp$ cat backup_status
tar: etc/group : No such file or directory
tar: etc/passwd                     : No such file or directory
tar: error exit delayed from previous errors

--- End code ---

So I guess if the files in the .filetool.lst are not found this can cause problems. Not sure what caused the first problem? The files passwd and group do exist so I don't know why they can't be saved. Perhaps they are in use?


--- Quote from: curaga on May 26, 2010, 10:02:39 AM ---
--- Quote from: althalus on May 26, 2010, 08:19:15 AM ---Just thought I'd point out again that there seems to be a problem with the graphics extension, on radeon cards, at least.

Games that need graphics- (Games from the Humble Indie Bundle) to run at full speed in 2.11 are acting as if graphics- hasn't been installed when run under TC3.

--- End quote ---

Please post Xorg.0.log and dmesg.

--- End quote ---
This little idiot should have looked at dmesg before posting about his problems. Turns out that I now need to load firmware.tcz before trying to use graphics- with my gfx chip.

EDIT: Actually, the firmware module seems to have corrected a couple of other little annoyances that had cropped up in TC3 that i hadn't experienced in 2.x.

The work-around for the gtk-2 bug, requiring export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true no longer works very well in tc3.0a.

As soon as I right-click on a file in rox, and select open as text, and close rox, the previously set global variable GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS is cleared.

I checked back into tc2.11.1 and the problem is not present there, so I report it here.

Split out OT discussion to:

--- Quote from: SvOlli on May 26, 2010, 04:19:08 PM ---2) What is the strategy when it comes to 64 bits? Will 64 bit support only come with the base system and the extensions will stay 32 bit? If not, shouldn't the 64 bit extensions and 32 bit extensions be separated?

None of this is essential in any way, but I wanted to ask these before it's too late, because the design has been declared fix again.


--- End quote ---
See earlier threads, esp. alpha1 and alpha2.

More splits:


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