Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core 3.0 Alpha 4 Testing
Problem with openbox on alpha 4: obconf segfaults.
Another case of application breakage: galculator
Base Tinycore + fresh install of galculator via appbrowser
- works normally in Alpha3
- doesn't work in Alpha4: "Segmentation fault"
@u54749: Have a look at this post. I have just done a quick install of 'galculator' with my re-build 'libxml2' library and it appears to not crash with that one.
@althalus: I imagine it could be the same reason for your reported issue.
Since 'gtk2.tcz' depends on 'libxml2.tcz' there could be many other problems. I can't attach the library I've compiled here in the forum (it's too large with ca. 533k), but I'm sure you could either follow my steps (in building your own temporary library) or you just wait until an "official" update has happened.
I have recompiled libxml2 myself and can confirm that it solves both the ROX and the galculator issue
Since obconf would have to parse openbox's XML config file, I think you're right in that obconf is just one more casualty of libxml2.
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