Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 3.0 Alpha 1 Testing

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--- Quote from: curaga on May 10, 2010, 01:26:44 PM ---Looks like tce-update and tce-audit both still refer to the 2.x repo.

--- End quote ---
Got it fixed for alpha2. Thanks!

As I was curious about any other "2.x" occurrence in 3.0alpha1 I did a search across the entire initrd. In addition to the already reported scripts the 'appbrowser' executable showed up as well. So I had a quick look at the latest available source and found command = "busybox wget -cq ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/tinycorelinux/2.x/tcz/mirrors.lst"; (in line 258 of 'appbrowser.fl').

I now wonder if it would make sense to store this information (i.e. the "major" release) in a file like '/opt/tce_major' instead of hard coding it in scripts and sources.

Thanks but it has already been taken care in a generic way.

In result of my limited testing it appears all worked in terms of browsers and desktops with the exception that when using hackedbox wm the wbar and around was messed up after loading firefox or chromium.
This is nothing new or related to 3.0 though as the same behavior was detected in 2.11.

It looks OK. I set up a development environment and started to compile/update my extensions on 3.0alpha1 No any issue found during compilation and use of the enw or old extensions.


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