Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 3.0 Alpha 1 Testing

<< < (4/14) > >>

Announcing the 64-bit build of 3.0 alpha 1.

tinycore64.gz is now available in distribution_files. The only difference to the main gz is that it has the 64-bit modules instead of the 32-bit ones.

- Xvesa does not like to run on 64. Use Xorg or text mode. For reasoning see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_8086_mode

Jason W:
For the time being, I have had more than 255 loop mounts by using a command like below to create them:

# for I in `seq 255 700`; do mknod /dev/loop"$I" b 7 "$I"; done

Of course, they won't be there on reboot but that can help temporarily create loop devices.

Good work on tc3.0 team tc.

Currently testing 3.0alpha1 on qemu with kqemu accelerator. Initial installation running fine nothing to report so far.

I know it's a minor thing, but when you first boot up the wallpaper i gray, but in /usr/bin/wallpaper the default background color is still #112949, as in the older versions. I think it would be nice if /usr/bin/wallpaper had the default set to #666666 like the background color right after booting into the system.

Arslan S.:
testing 3.0alpha, no luck getting alsa to work :(

and desktop entries causes trouble for gnome, for example nautilus (file manager of gnome) does not know how to open a text file :) this is determined by missing "MimeType" section in desktop entries


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