Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
Sed one-liners
Well, I didn't know of this collection before. 8)
Very useful.
Indeed that is a very valuable resource from the "good old times".
There is an awful lot what can be done with SED. I have to admit that I tend to try to resolve a problem first with SED before considering other tools like AWK (or PERL).
Some additional useful links (e.g. FAQ, etc.) can be found here:
I`ve used that file of examples for almost 5 years now! It`s excellent.!
Sed is just about the most commonly used Bash command, more than grep.
Jason W:
That "one liners" page has long been my reference for sed when I needed a sed function beyond the usual "sed -i 's:this:that:g' filename", I couldn't have gotten along
without it.
Curaga. Thanks for this link! Never felt like I had a good grasp on sed. This will help!
A resourse that i fall back on is "the advanced bash scripting guide". Typeing on my phone right now but a google search should get you to it.
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