General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

800x480 resolution for EEEPC

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I am wondering if someone could help to set the resolution for my EEEPC. I see this topic has been covered and somebody has solved the problem but they don't explain the steps needed to accomplish it.
thank you.

I am part way there. I have loading at startup, 915resolution.tcz and xbdev.tcz. That part works because after I reboot, if I type "sudo 915resolution -l" in a terminal, it returns 800x480 resolution as an option--something it didn't do before. The problem is when I check tce.installed, it shows the default resolution "1024x600". What am I missing?


Not having such hardware to confirm, I believe, if 915resolution is working, then try adding

/usr/local/sbin/915resolution 50 800 480

to your /opt/

If I put 915resolution and parameters in bootlocal, will I have to restart the x server after I do this?

Yep, because '/opt/' gets run (asynchronously) before the X server during the boot process.

So you could either reboot, or if you just want to test things out it might be enough to 'Exit to Prompt' (i.e. terminate the X server), apply your changes (whatever you've added to '/opt/'), and start the X server again (i.e. startx)


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