Version 3.0 is looking good! The last few alpha releases have been running without problems, but then I ran into a glitch with Xorg 7.5 during a hard drive installation of RC 1.
The machine is a Sony PCG-C1VPK, one of the old Picturebook line with a Crusoe processor upgraded to a mighty 238 MB of RAM. Because of the oddball 1024x480 display, which Xvesa sees as 640x480, I've resigned myself to loading Xorg. And indeed the previous test installation (3.0 alpha

had run with Xorg 7.5 without any obvious problems.
For RC 1 I had updated the bzImage and tinycore.gz files and deleted my data and onboot.lst from /tce. After booting and updating the local extension copies, I figured it was time to load Xorg-7.5 and expand from the default 640x480 to 1024x480 again. Alas, after loading Xorg 7.5 via the GUI Apps tool, I wasn't able to exit to the command prompt to run or startx. Neither the logout menu nor the old Ctl+Alt+Bksp exit had any effect. (The lack of effect of the latter wasn't surprising, as this was apparently an "improvement" in the stock Xorg behavior.)
What <em>did<em> work was rebooting, exiting from Xvesa's GUI display via the logout menu, and then installing ala the command line: tce-load -i Xorg-7.5.tcz; ; startx.
Why the logout/exit to prompt option didn't work I don't know. It might be an obscure permissions glitch, as I use boot codes for both user and host rather than the defaults. Now that Xorg-7.5 is in my onboot.lst, however, it's not a problem -- Xorg lets me exit to the prompt and back again without incident.
I'm not sure if something changed with the library upgrade, or I just didn't catch it earlier because I'd been keeping the onboot.lst around from alpha to alpha. But there you go...