Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing


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--- Quote ---I'm also not quite sure what is supposed to be wrong with 'midori': The installation works fine for me and the application is usable. The only (in my view entirely cosmetic) issue might be the fact that at the very first start a bit a garbled message might appear ("Error - %u    The page '%u' couldn't be loaded.    URL cannot be shown"). It appears that this happens when midori gets started via the wbar icon, and does not happen when started from the command line. A quick look into '/usr/local/tce.wbar' shows that indeed 'c: exec midori %u' appears to be the "culprit" here. I guess that OTOH might be a consequence of the 'Exec=midori %u' entry in '/usr/local/share/applications/midori.desktop'.
--- End quote ---

Yes, I will have to stip and trailing % options for wbar. I was not aware of such data, Good find. Thanks!

Robert, the 'root:staff' appears for me when booting from the "plain" TC 2.11rc2 ISO image. I don't use any form of persistence, have no backup, and no extensions whatsoever. As I'm using TC so far more as a study object I operate most of the time in "cloud" mode. My private TCZ mirror allows me to reasonably quickly test a variety of test cases without having to consider the impact of previous activities. Most of the time I just boot a new VM (using VirtualBox or QEMU) and TC is better than any other distribution for this due to the minimalistic concept.

The ownership of 'root:staff' is also appearing after removing '~/.wmx' and a restart of X. I've even done a re-boot just with the plain ISO, and used boot codes 'base norestore' (which I guess is the same thing twice over) and the ownership of those files is again 'root:staff'.

I tend to agree that the (initial) ownership of those files is probably not critical, since I guess in the case of a persistent '/home' after the next re-boot the 'chown' command will change things to 'tc:staff'.

The way I explain the finding to myself is: In '/usr/bin/startx' the command sequence of [ `which "$DESKTOP"_initmenu` ] && sudo "$DESKTOP"_initmenu leads to the execution of '/usr/bin/flwm_topside_initmenu' in which the following code snippet can be found:
    chown tc.staff -R /home/"$USER"/.wmx
    for D in `ls /usr/share/applications/tinycore-*`; do
       writeFLWMitem "$D"
At the first run of this code block on a "plain" system there are no files in '~/.wmx/SystemTools' and the 'chown' command has no effect. After the loop has run the files in '~/.wmx/SystemTools' have been created, but due to the execution as super-user the files are owned by 'root'. Moving the 'chown' command after the loop should lead to the desired outcome.

No problem to change the code. I just like to reproduce the reported condition so to better understand the actual envirments in which it occurs.


--- Quote from: roberts on April 24, 2010, 09:23:25 PM ---
--- Quote from: meanpt on April 24, 2010, 08:37:46 PM ---

1. installed applications are not shown under the Applications heading menu
2. midori did not installed correctly, despite the icon being shown in the dock
3. shiretoko installed on the third attempt
4. Vboxadditions is not working - when trying file sharing with the Windows system with the shared vbox folder with "mount .-t vboxsf -rw windowsSystemFileFolder TCDirectory, keeps responding "No such device". Currently using VBox 3.1.4



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What does showbootcodes display?

--- End quote ---

a) Bootcodes

Showbootcodes on terminal only displays "quiet", although during the booting I can see the "kernel /boot/bzImage quiet" and "initrd /boot/tinycore.gz" lines.

b) wm
I'm using the default wm/desktop - suppose it's flwm ...

c) Other things / Live session
During the a live session (this one, from where I'm posting) could install shiretoko which was shown on the dock but not on the Applications menu label. But if I install Xfe.tcz, the later is both shown on the dock and listed in the Applications menu.


I installed TC again on the virtual hd and I'm having more trouble in downloading and installing. Moreover, when even not choosing to backup, it stills backup something.

I tried to download firefox, leave it during the night to download it and it froze, despite letting it installing all night.

Tried to download shiretoko, it seems it was installed (shiretoko.tcz ok under the yellow background) but when clicking on the docked icon nothing happened. Then tried to call it from the terminal and it was "not found".

Tried to install epiphany, it froze somwhere and I pushed again the Install button. Then, installation  seemed to continue and I got a "epiphany.tcz ok" but didn[t get the docked icon. Again, when calling epiphany in the terminal, it was "not found".

Unthicked the back-up for the logout, logged out and after booting again I found epiphany.tcz was still available in "local". When  tried to mount it, there was a dependency missing (expat2.tcz. not found).

The awkward is that I can install and run shiretoko as well as firefox in live mode but usually on a second or third installation trial.


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