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OnDemand cancel downloading


im sorry, Im posting 100 posts per minute, but after using tinycore Im so excited,

ive searched for this Q. when I request ondemand app like chromium, how can i cancel downloading it. if I close app browser. TOP command still shows wget and it is downloading. And all files in TMP dir are there.

If you try "ps aux | grep wget", you should see something like "busybox wget", you can then try "killall busybox"

yes ok this is one way is it only way? can cancel button be impemented, it is just question.

Robert and the team.

You are doing a great job developing Tiny Core. It keeps getting better and better.

I don't like to give the impression I am demanding more, as I am sure you already have plans for many more improvements.

However, at some time in the future, when it is convenient, it may be a good idea to implement the idea suggested. That is, a button to Cancel downloads in the App Browser.

It may also be a good idea to have Pause and Resume buttons.

Even queing of downloads, so the user can start one download, then have others ready to start when the previous ones are finished.

If you are doing too many other things to implement this at that time, I understand. Keep it in mind for the future.

Keep up the good work.


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