Tiny Core Base > TCB Q&A Forum
List of boot codes
Here are some questions I have. I could not find the answers from existing forum posts, FAQ etc. Sorry if I have not searched enough.
1) Is there a list of boot codes (and their (supported) syntax) available somewhere?
I know the answer from FAQ:
What Bootcodes does Tiny Core Support?
At the boot prompt press [F2] and [F3].
But if I don't boot from CD (or CD-image) and never see the screen with F2 and F3 pressing options. So, it would be nice to read them somewhere else because they still work when booting the original bzImage and tinicore.gz with existing GRUB or what I like to do is using GRUB for DOS.
2) The http://www.tinycorelinux.com/concepts.html is a bit messy. I understand that tce= and restore= codes can specify a directory to look for. What about home=hdXY? Can it also be home=hdXY/tinycorelinux/home for example?
3) If home=hdXY boot code has been specified then restore=hdXY is redundant and (additional) backup/restore is only done upon request?
4) Can the directories for home, backup, TCE/TCZ reprository be on NTFS partition also?
Thanx in advance!
1) Not yet, but they come from the files "f2" and "f3" in the iso. Perhaps the latest could be added to the wiki.
3) Yes, but only if a backup has not been done yet (if it has, it will be detected). Backup can store personal files outside of /home too, so it's not a perfect match.
4) Short answer: no
Long one: It would need remastering the ntfs-3g extension into the base, to be available in the early stages of booting.
They will be added to the official FAQ
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