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Applications and bundled libraries

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I thought tcz packages were already one-file-uninstalls, if the deps aren't counted of course. I think appsaudit can delete unused deps as well.

Self-contained apps are a security nightmare, and somewhat bigger. They are also bigger in ram, which starts to suck as a thought when one realizes there's 15 copies of gtk2 in the ram :P

What I find frightening, is that ram prices are 3x of what they were ~year ago. Holy crap, the cheapest 2gb ddr2 stick online (in my country, after a quick search) is now 51e.

--- Quote from: bigpcman on April 12, 2010, 10:35:25 AM ---I don't get why TC could not be made to support both the tcz of today and future "all in one packages".  What's the fundamental technical roadblock? I love the Tinycore Burger King theme "have it your way".

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We already do, there's nothing much to add support for. Just either compile things statically or include the libs, and it's a self-contained extension.

For me it just doesn't fit to Tiny Core Linux philosophy, it is something else.


--- Quote from: bmarkus on April 12, 2010, 12:18:14 PM ---For me it just doesn't fit to Tiny Core Linux philosophy, it is something else.

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I suppose you are right in so much as tc does not support the philosophy of dynamically uninstalling applications. The focus has been on maintaining a pristine system through the use of reboot after extensions are removed from the local extension repository (or boot list).


--- Quote from: bigpcman on April 12, 2010, 12:33:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: bmarkus on April 12, 2010, 12:18:14 PM ---For me it just doesn't fit to Tiny Core Linux philosophy, it is something else.

--- End quote ---
I suppose you are right in so much as tc does not support the philosophy of dynamically uninstalling applications. The focus has been on maintaining a pristine system through the use of reboot after extensions are removed from the local extension repository (or boot list).

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TinyCore is a very nice concept as it is now, maintaining a pristine state through reboot.
However after loading a number of applications that users use, at some point memory requirement becomes quite significant.  We come to a point of paradox that some users are reporting TinyCore as using 1G of memory fully loaded with applications they use while Zenwalk or Windows XP can run them in 256M... The capability to unload unused applications from memory without rebooting becomes increasingly important feature to have, while preserving modular architecture and maintaining pristine state.


--- Quote from: tclfan on April 12, 2010, 01:04:22 PM ---We come to a point of paradox that some users are reporting TinyCore as using 1G of memory fully loaded with applications they use while Zenwalk or Windows XP can run them in 256M...

--- End quote ---

Loaded into the RAM or using RAM while mounted? Don't tell me that XP is running applications in RAM!


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