Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x
Jason W:
Checkinstall with an option added to create a Tinycore package. The Debian, RPM, and Slackware options remain intact and were not altered. Basically this tracks "make install" and makes a package out of it. Helps to overcome the drawbacks of using the "find -newer /tmp/mark" or DESTDIR (when available) approaches that sometimes creep up. This places a package in /tmp that can then be edited for submission or just used on one's system. Usage is basically "./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make && checkinstall". I have seen checkinstall fail, but normally that is in the case that make install fails. But either way, test and verify the result of checkinstall like any other method.
--- Code: ---Title: checkinstall-tc.tcz
Description: Package maker and installer
Version: 1.6.2
Author: Kevin D. Knerr, Sr., Chris Spiegel, Christian Ruzicka
Chris Kuklewicz Matt Conway Nicholas Young-Soares
Ferdi Franceschini Tobias Fritz Dima Vukolov
Bernhard Kaindl Sergey Kryaczevskih Sven Mueller
Christian Tusche Guglielmo Bondioni Paul Wagland
Uwe Koloska olivier fleurigeon Max Norton Felipe Sateler
Original-site: http://www.asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/
Copying-policy: GPL
Size: 140K
Extension_by: Jason W
Comments: This has been adjusted to create a Tinycore tcz package.
Just issue:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
and choose the Tinycore option to create a tcz in /tmp of
the package.
Change-log: ====
Current: 2010/03/21 First version 1.6.2
--- End code ---
This package needs a dependencies on bash.tcz, tar.tcz, and some command called rev.
Jason W:
Thanks, it was posted at 230am and I forgot the dep file. I will look into the rev thing tonight..
Jason W:
Rev is part of util-linux-ng, will add to dep file.
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