Tiny Core Base > TCB Bugs
Recursion of.dep's on boot v.s optional
I created a simple extension that replaces the apache2.tce httpd.conf file so perl works with apache and has a sym link to perl from /usr/bin/perl (the standard location). The .dep is
--- Code: ---perl.tczl
--- End code ---
the file name is apache-perl-patch.tce
this depends on my extension loading loading after the dependencies so it can overwrite the apache httpd.conf and works great when loaded optional. on boot it looks like my extension loads first (maybe alphabetical order) so apache2 overwrites it instead. instead of my perl stuff executing the code shows like a text file.
using 1.1rc2
TCE* loads first, alphabetically, then TCZ* loads alphabetically.
You may need to use backup/restore to load the config file, rather than put it in a tce package.
I'm not 100% clear about what you're doing, though.
Knowning that extenions load alphabetically first alltces followed by all tczs, You can always avoid the backup/resotore and achieve the order you wish my naming your custom patch extension accordingly.
A quick check in tc-config shows that there is a gettceapps() function to load extensions on bootup. I see what you mean: the extensions are loaded alphabetically and the .dep file is not consulted.
It would be a nice feature to loop through the .dep file, verify the existence of the dependencies, and then recursively load them. If I get time, I may draft some code to do that.
I purposely avoided it at boot because it occurs at download time (appbrowser) and optional loading.
I did not want to further slow the boot process.
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