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Author Topic: TC 2.11 tce not persistant on sda1 but works on hda1 VMWare scsi  (Read 2533 times)

Offline KenRally

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Tiny Core 2.11
Using VMWare workstaion 6.5, 7.0 and VMWare ESX 4.0 (hda1 not available on ESX 4.0)

I create an IDE HD hda1, fdisk and format ext3
boot option tce=hda1
there is a hda1/tce and hda1/tce/optional and I have persistance (extensions save on hda1)
Tiny Core 2.11 iso can not see vmware scsi disk because vm-scsi- not installed

I remaster TC 2.11 adding
vm-scsi- (unsquashfs -f -d extract     path_to_tce/vm-scsi-

I destroy the IDE hda and create a new VMWare scsi HD /dev/sda fdisk and format ext3.
The sda1 drive can now be mounted with "Mount Tool" and I see it in dmesg,
so the remaster was succesful. If I manually run /usr/local/bin/open-vm-tools-init
it loads the rest of the kernel modules for vmware (from the remaster, not from tce)

I boot with boot option tce=sda1
but no tce directory and no tce/optional on sda1

Any help would be appreciated