Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks
Compiling kernel and modules on TC
See the infinite directory loops... You are lucky that it was stopped instead of creating infinite levels of directories :)
It did not stop. I pressed Ctrl+C. And then I removed the whole folder and tried again, and again it was in vain. Hm. I know little of such nuts as infinite loops; I don't even want to know more of them, goddamit. I want to know why did it happen, hmmm.
I did as I've read in the Wiki. And (sh)it happened. Why? ???
Now, now, I must calm down and stroke the problem. Sorry. I'm a bit frustrated.
--- Quote --- The process to create a custom kernel could in short be described as:
Get the sources for the version of the standard Linux kernel that you are going to base your kernel on
Get the patches you intend to apply - both TC kernel patches and possibly others (in my case the RT-patches)
Unpack the linux sources and cd into the top level directory of the source package
Apply the patches using (in most cases) “patch -p1 < patchfile” for each patch file
Move the kernel config file from the standard TC kernel into the same directory and rename it to ”.config”
Do “make oldconfig” and answer all questions, in case you have no clue on the answer just provide the default ones (i.e. just hit Return)
Do “make menuconfig” and make any changes you need to the configuration
Do “make bzImage” to build the kernel itself
Do “make modules” to build the loadable modules
Do “make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/path modules_install firmware_install” where /path is a path to a directory where you expect to find the modules.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote --- Get the sources for the version of the standard Linux kernel that you are going to base your kernel on
--- End quote ---
config-3.16.6-tinycore, linux-3.16.6-patched.txz
--- Quote --- Get the patches you intend to apply - both TC kernel patches and possibly others (in my case the RT-patches)
--- End quote ---
--- Quote --- Unpack the linux sources and cd into the top level directory of the source package
--- End quote ---
cd Codez/kernel/ ;tar -xJ -f linux-3.16.6.txz
--- Quote --- Apply the patches using (in most cases) “patch -p1 < patchfile” for each patch file
--- End quote ---
cd linux-3.16.6 ;patch -p1 < ../fbcondecor.patch
--- Quote --- Move the kernel config file from the standard TC kernel into the same directory and rename it to ”.config”
--- End quote ---
cp ../config-3.16.6-tinycore ./.config
--- Quote --- Do “make oldconfig” and answer all questions, in case you have no clue on the answer just provide the default ones (i.e. just hit Return)
--- End quote ---
I had been doing this step, but in an another TC kernel manual on the forum I've read I can do the next step directly
--- Quote --- Do “make menuconfig” and make any changes you need to the configuration
--- End quote ---
make menuconfig
--- Quote --- Do “make bzImage” to build the kernel itself
Do “make modules” to build the loadable modules
--- End quote ---
Hm... I did both "make" or "make all" as was said in that forum manual also; last time it was
make -j2 all
--- Quote --- Do “make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/path modules_install firmware_install” where /path is a path to a directory where you expect to find the modules.
--- End quote ---
Am I doing wrong, really?
You are just telling stories instead sharing what you are doing really. Without knowing commands and scripts you are using do not expect answer.
Your issue is not related to Tiny Core but a generic how to build kernel. Internet is full with docs, blogs and forums with the proper answer. Please do not spam here.
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