Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 1.x


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Sorry for me being newbie, is it there a way to transfer this extension to a usb and than somehow install it ony a computer without internet?

You could copy the extension from here


and then copy it to the machine without an internet connection and then:
--- Code: ---$ tce-load /path-to-file/net-2.6.26.tcem
--- End code ---

Thanx for your help.

I've downloaded on USB stick, transfer it to the home folder and run tce-load /home/tc/net-2.6.26.tcem but when I start ifconfig I don't see any eth0 ...

If you're using tinycore v1.3, the appropriate module might be "modprobed" automatically for your device - does it show up in "lsmod"? If you're using v1.2 or less, you'll have to do this manually.

Once your module is loaded - you can "dmesg | tail -10" to see if there's any appropriate message - you need to do this to get things going:
--- Code: ---$ sudo udhcpc -b -i eth0
--- End code ---

Hm.. I've also tried as root and wait till now. I did a gain ifconfig and device is recognized. I have 1.3 version, and it's interesting that it's not autmoatically modprobed... Thank you for yor help again!


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