Micro Core v2.10 is now posted at
Change log for Micro Core v2.10
* Updated tce-load - recursion now fully supported.
* Updated tc-functions for additive home setup support.
* Added missing rule for mmc support.
* Updated tc-config PXE tftp http for onboot.lst and "no-ping" support.
* Removed unneeded libthread_db* from base.
Attention extension makers: Recursion is now finalized and ready for deployment. Please note in the .info when an extension is using recursion.
Attention all users: New and updated extensions using recursion will require you to upgrade to v2.10
All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade so as to take advantage of updated extensions.
Micro Core users that add X support should review Tiny Core v2.10 announcement for news concerning X programs and window manager.