Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

microcore kernel config file

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Hi there,

I was wondering where can i find the configuration file for the Micro Core v2.8 kernel on which it has currently compiled.


Short answer

Long answer:
Click the "Downloads" link at the top of the Home page.
Click the "Current Release" link.
Browse in the src directory for the config- file.

Well i know about this config file(thanks).

But the problem is when i compile the kernel using this config file without any changes, the module folder size goes like 7MB as compare to the module folder in microcore one which is only 2.7MB. Weird

Am i doing something wrong?

Also if anyone can clear to me what is the difference b\w following kernels:

linux-           <-- is this not patched ?  107MB
linux-     <-- I have extracted it, its a full kernel but only 55MB

Thanks for clearing it !

Compare how you compile it to my script.


--- Quote from: seek on February 25, 2010, 11:54:50 PM ---the module folder size goes like 7MB as compare to the module folder in microcore one which is only 2.7MB.

--- End quote ---

Is this because the modules are gzipped and advdef-ed in tinycore, maybe?


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