Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x
Jason W:
Thanks to Arslan S. for:
--- Code: ---Title: libudev-dev.tcz
Description: A set of functions for accessing the udev database and querying sysfs.
Version: 151
Author: Various
Original-site: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/
Copying-policy: GPL-2
Size: 76K
Extension_by: Arslan S.
Comments: libgudev is included.
This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: ---
Current: 2010/02/15 Original
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---Title: libudev.tcz
Description: A set of functions for accessing the udev database and querying sysfs.
Version: 151
Author: Various
Original-site: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/
Copying-policy: GPL-2
Size: 36K
Extension_by: Arslan S.
Comments: libgudev is included.
This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: ---
Current: 2010/02/15 Original
--- End code ---
libudev was already in udev-dev.tcz. Gudev though was not, needing glib2.
Jason W:
Arslan had actually pointed that out to me in the gmail account, but I uploaded anyway..
Upon looking at the two packages, perhaps this one should be libgudev/libgudev-dev and not contain libudev.so but rather just have udev-dev as a dependency for the libudev.so files. udev-dev could be split into udev-lib and udev-dev, but that is a matter of taste as it is only 132kb size.
Arslan S.:
some applications require libudev and libgudev i didn't want to split them because that would increase the dependency in numbers
at the time of preparing this extension i was not aware of udev-dev.tcz :( sorry
Jason W:
I imagine that things that require libgudev would also require libudev in most cases if not all. However, it is better to have one more dependency than to have conflicting or overwriting files.
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