Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x
Jason W:
Thanks to Arslan S. for:
--- Code: ---Title: DeviceKit-power-dev.tcz
Description: DeviceKit is a set of projects to replace HAL.(TESTING)
Version: 014
Author: David Zeuthen, Richard Hughes
Original-site: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/DeviceKit
Copying-policy: GPL-2
Size: 32K
Extension_by: Arslan S.
Comments: This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: ---
Current: 2010/02/15 Original
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---Title: DeviceKit-power.tcz
Description: DeviceKit is a set of projects to replace HAL.(TESTING)
Version: 014
Author: David Zeuthen, Richard Hughes
Original-site: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/DeviceKit
Copying-policy: GPL-2
Size: 88K
Extension_by: Arslan S.
Comments: ---
Change-log: ---
Current: 2010/02/15 Original
--- End code ---
Arslan S.:
remove libudev.tcz and add udev-lib.tcz, gudev-lib.tcz to dep list please
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