Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

Directory settings in Xorg-vesa-lite.tcz


This might not be the right area of the forum but since 'Xorg-vesa-lite.tcz' is not your "typical extension" I decided to post it here:

There seems to be some "rogue" settings for the ownership and permissions of the /usr/local/tce.installed directory in the Xorg-vesa-lite.tcz extension:
    drwxr-sr-x    2 root     root           60 Jan 25 03:55 /usr/local/tce.installed
When loading another extension (e.g. htop.tcz), that does not contain a startup script in tce.installed the following warning can be observed:
    touch: /usr/local/tce.installed/htop: Permission denied

The warning itself appears harmless and the extension seem to be installed. But I believe the content of /usr/local/tce.installed is used by several core scripts to ascertain the set of currently loaded extensions. And this information will be wrong as long as the "rogue" settings of /usr/local/tce.installed persist.

Loading another extension that contains a startup script seem to make the warnings disappear again.

It would appear that set of perms was meant for the actual xserver not that directory.
I also believe that this has been depreciated and therefore should be removed.
I think its replacement is Xvesa.tcz.

Reviewing some development discussions it does appear that Xvesa.tcz is a replacement.
I will move Xorg-vesa-lite.tcz offline for now.


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