Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

ondemand command equivalent for non-flwm window managers?

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I installed lxde, installed some programs "On Demand". Typed in "ondemand" into a command window and, just as in any other wm besides flwm, it says "sh: ondemand: not found".

As roberts said, it is only supported in the default window manager.
It is part of flwm.


--- Quote from: nbt384 on February 15, 2010, 09:10:26 PM ---I installed lxde, installed some programs "On Demand". Typed in "ondemand" into a command window and, just as in any other wm besides flwm, it says "sh: ondemand: not found".

--- End quote ---
In the programming and scripting section I posted a quick ondemand script for LXDE users (It might actually work for anyone whose menu uses freedesktop standards) though it could do with a bit of work, as robert has done a lot of work to ondemand since I originally posted it, and I hacked my script out of the original ondemand script in about 5 minutes.


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