Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing


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Hi Curaga,

When I do Appsaudit->Update->Check for updates the return is only that I need to upgrade firefox. Nothing else is mentioned.

The checksum does not match the checksum I have on alsa-config.tcz.md5 which is the only alsa related checksum in my optional older.

I will now uninstall alsa and reboot and reinstall.


Hi curaga,

Re-installing alsa on rc3 works. Skype and audio works.
Do check out appsaudit because it certainly gave me no indication that I was not current. Wonder what else may be old.

This did not help all the segfaults, however. Still, one more down.




--- Quote from: sci_fi on February 13, 2010, 02:48:56 PM ---Hi curaga,

Re-installing alsa on rc3 works. Skype and audio works.
--- End quote ---

Good to hear :)


--- Code: ---I have problems with chromium. Chromium won't load web pages, it reports
[2458:2463:677390998:ERROR:base/shared_memory_posix.cc(192)] Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/org.chromium.o3QTBj failed: No such file or directory

--- End code ---
There are about 4 such lines, all same but with the number stuff different.

tc2.8.1 has no problem.

Also when booting, when the extensions are loaded I get a whole string of repeated messages, something about

--- Code: ---/init.d/rcS (sp?) line 415: usleep: Text file busy

--- End code ---
I haven't reproduced it exactly, but from memory.[/code]

On rc3, /dev/shm is mounted tmpfs as it should, and is world writable. If "touch /dev/shm/test" works as user tc, this is a chromium bug, as you can clearly use the area with user privileges then.


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