Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

How to remove titlebar of application windows in TinyCore

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you can use xsetroot to set the cursor but that is in the Xorg extension

you can also use the evilwm extension to get a minimalist wm.

I remember myself not using any wm back on my Debian machine. Just added a command line to launch an aterm with size and position stated via -geometry parameter.

In fact it was irssi running in that aterm. Then, via aliases, I launched every needed app with its corresponding -geometry parameter. As I defined position and size at launch time, I never had the need to move or resize anything.

But I do agree evilwm is more user friendly. By far. Just keep this at hand:


Hi all,
            Now i cant see title bar, is it possible to remove title bar and border for a single application alone?


--- Quote from: saravanan on March 03, 2010, 09:49:30 AM ---Hi all,
            Now i cant see title bar, is it possible to remove title bar and border for a single application alone?

--- End quote ---
Not from a user's standpoint unless the developer added it into the app and/or the wm allows you to.


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