Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x


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Sounds good :) The easiest is to use lxappearance. There is a preview, so you can see how it looks like and if there are major problems with the theme.

Arslan S.:

--- Quote from: bmarkus on January 24, 2010, 11:41:22 AM ---Sounds good :)

--- End quote ---

loading librsvg.tcz and gnome-icon-theme.tcz fixes the issue

actually for some icon themes there are more icon themes inherited from but to keep dependency low i have added only gnome-icon-theme to dep files

after corrected deps loaded only problem with lxde is the left top corner desktop item "My Documents"  should that be user's home instead?

Arslan S.:
after rebooting my computer "My Documents" icon reappeared correctly as the selected icon theme's user-home

exit to prompt and startx also does the same trick


--- Quote from: Arslan S. on January 24, 2010, 11:59:44 AM ---
loading librsvg.tcz and gnome-icon-theme.tcz fixes the issue

actually for some icon themes there are more icon themes inherited from but to keep dependency low i have added only gnome-icon-theme to dep files

--- End quote ---

Right, it works now. Unfortunately gnome-icon-theme is rather big. I do not know what this icon theme is adding to gnome theme what is missing there. But that's fine, there must be a price for better visual appearance :)

--- Quote from: Arslan S. on January 24, 2010, 11:59:44 AM ---
after corrected deps loaded only problem with lxde is the left top corner desktop item "My Documents"  should that be user's home instead?

--- End quote ---

You are right, it points to home instead of My Document. Will check how it works in other distros and correct either the title or the destination.

Arslan S.:
the answer is simple gnome icon theme is their default fallback theme if an icon does not exist in the icon theme then it is searched in gnome icon theme

index.theme of humanity icon theme:

--- Code: ---[Icon Theme]
Comment=Smooth modern theme designed to be intuitive.
--- End code ---

also i have to mention again librsvg is needed to load svg icons and some icons in icon themes does not have a png counterpart


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