Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing


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The Fourth Release Candidate of v2.8 (tinycore_2.8rc4.iso), is now posted and ready for testing.


Change log for Tiny Core v2.8

* Updated tce-load to allow miltiple loading, e.g., tce-load -i *.tcz
* Updated tce-load to drop ".tcz" requirement.
* Updated appsaudit to allow  selective removal of items from "marked for deletion"
* Updated appsaudit to allow operation in tce directory as well as tce/optional directory, use File option.
* Updated appsaudit menu for smoother operation.
* Updated cd_dvd_symlinks.sh for better multiple cd and dvd devices.
* Cleanup of tce-setup & tce-update of l,m,lm, and ml code.
* Updated tce-fetch.sh to cleanup old dual repository support.
* Updated tce-update to prompt before beginning easy mode batch update operation.
* After much Team testing and input, the upx'ed kernel returns, prior kernel is in distribution files.
* Dropped symlinker by using builtin cp construct.
* Dropped GNU ftp from base.

* Updated tce-update for selective interaction via CLI options "query", "list", and "update".
* Major updates to appsaudit including new "Updates" menu option to "check for updates and selectively update wired into the tce-update options.
* Updated and reorganized cpanel, added "TCE Update", "USB Install", "Run Command", "Xkill", and "Xvesa Setup"
* Dropped dropbearmulti from base.
* Updated appbrowser cleanup of l,m,lm,ml code.
* Updated rc.shutdown by reverse umount loops to support tcvd virtual drive.

This release candidate changes the storage of extensions to a single location, the optional directory located under your "tce" directory. Boot time loading of application extensions are provided by links into the optional directory. These links are easily maintained with the new OnBoot section of appsaudit.  This will better support the trend to use more "OnDemand" items, make it easy to "move" applicatons into and out of the "OnBoot", tce, directory. This also greatly improves systems resources by having a single copy of dependencies.  Having a single area to host all extensions & dependencies also greatly improves auditing and both batch and selective updating.

* Updated FLTK to v1.1.10.
* Updated FLWM with more traditional close button layout.
* Updated appbrowser to support new extension support structure.
* Updated appsaudit - new menu section OnBoot.
* Updated tce-setup, tce-load, and tce-audit to support new extension support structure.
* Updated 'ab' shell appbrowser for more consistent input handling.
* Updated udev rules for much quicker boot times with loop mount extensions.
* Updated rebuildfstab for faster response.
* Updated filetool.sh to ignore sockets.
* Updated tc-terminal-server typo.
* Standard kernel returns with upx'd kernel available in the distribution file area.

For tiny core users to move to the new structure perform the following:
* boot base norestore
* mv your_tce_dir/*.tcz* optional/.
* appsaudit -> OnBoot

Select only those apps that you wish to have loaded upon boot.
Do not select dependencies, they will load from optional.
Your "tce" directory should have very few link items for your selected boot time apps.

Easy to change your mind using appsaudit OnBoot as
Left hand side panel selects item and creates link in "tce" dir
Right hand side panel deletes link from "tce" dir
Rebooting then loads items as selected.

We now have a single directory from which to audit dependencies, perform selective updates, and pick and choose our on boot selection of applications.

This release candidate changes from using symlinks for onboot items to a simple text file onboot.lst. Use appsaudit as before to easily maintain the onboot.lst. Also new is an updated Mirror Select.

* Updated tce-load for onboot.lst support.
* Updated tce-setup for onboot.lst support
* Updated appsaudit for onboot.lst support.
* Updated cpanel - OnDemand replaces Help.
* Updated cpanel "Select Mirror"
* New /opt/tcemirror replaces /opt/.tcrc
* Updated /opt/.filetool.lst for tcemirror

Note: File likely in your backup /opt/.filetool.sh changed please ensure you update yours.
drop opt/.tcrc add opt/tcemirror

update_extension doesn't work


--- Quote from: jls_legalize on January 20, 2010, 11:50:12 AM ---update_extension doesn't work

--- End quote ---

I don't know what update-extension is? Is this from an old menu that needs to be updated?
The menu item should be calling /usr/bin/tce-update please check yours.

Does rc4 still support having extensions in /tce which would be mounted as before? I am just wondering about maximum versatility.

No. All extensions should be in a single location tce/optional

The goal being to not have duplicate dependencies and a single location to download, audit, update and maintain.


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