Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Talk

User mirroring of the repo.

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Because I'm not suggesting an extension (which would use the .tcz naming convention). I was suggesting a simple text file that contained a list of all the "official" mirrors, each on a new line.
This is similar to the info.lst file that appbroswer (and all it's variants) uses. The info.lst file contains a list of all extensions available in the repository.

This list can be in a tcz.
Then there is no requirement for any special "Control Panel GUI" code to update it when it changes.
Tce-update will update it automatically.

The GUI is to select which one for the list!
You have to be kidding to waste a mount point or require a special flag for a tiny text file!

Robert, I was responding to AlabamaPaul's suggestion to have a Control Panel GUI to download the Mirror List.
My comment was that the mirror list could be mirror-list.tcz.
Then Appbrowser could be used to download the mirror list, and tce-update would update it automatically.
This requires no special Control Panel GUI.
This requires no special flag.
Is it a waste of a mount point? If so, the file could be copied, and the tcz unmounted.

I believe you misunderstood my post. I am not proposing a new application, only a simple list. There is already a Control Panel GUI for Select Mirror, I was merely suggesting that the existing GUI could have an option to download the list.



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