Off-Topic > Release Candidate Testing


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@Juanito: I believe that can be resolved with: sudo -u tc tce-load -i ...

adding base in my bootline prevent not only to mount Xprogs.core.gz, Xlibs.core.gz and Xvesa.core.gz stored in /tce (that's fine); it also prevents to mount other extensions not symlinked to /tce that i want to mount at boot with such a line like

tce-load -i /mnt/hda1/tce/optional/nano.tcz

in /opt/ (i don't add sudo because is executed with root privileges at boot) for which i get:

tce-load -i /mnt/hda1/tce/optional/nano.tce not found!

if i don't add base in my bootline, nano is loaded and i get no error message.

..but the idea of "base" is not to load extensions, no?

according to Robert:

--- Quote ---It has been explained to load your bash and keyboard which are extension via /opt/
Change your boot loader to include base

Boot. You have microcore CLI + bash + your keymap.
--- End quote ---

so my bootline is:

kernel /boot/bzImage swapfile noicons embed nodhcp base restore=hda1 vga=792 quiet

i keep 'restore=hda1' in order to keep my customized at boot. i have kmaps.tcz and bash.tcz symlinked from /tce/optional to /tce. the *.core.gz initramfs are in /tce.

in, i have the following lines:

loadkmaps < /user/share....   <--------- in order to load my keyboard layout
tce-load -i /mnt/hda1/tce/optional/nano.tcz

and i get:

tce-load -i /mnt/hda1/tce/optional/nano.tcz not found! (it's nano.tcz, not .tce, sorry for the typo in my last post)

kmpas.tcz and bash.tcz as well as the initramfs have not been mounted (but that was expected). So i get mc CLI without bash and without keyboard.

Again, there is nothing wrong with that; i am just saying that if I put 'base' in the boot line, i have mc without the customized preferences written in; and if i drop 'base', i can't have mc CLI + customized preferences, i get mc + *.core.gz initramfs + customized preferences.

So, what do i need to do in order to have mc CLI (without the *.core.gz initramfs loaded) + customized preferences as keyboard layout + some useful applications for me as nano or mc directly at boot? For example, do i have to place the *.core.gz initramfs in the /tce/optional directory, and add the following lines to

cp /mnt/hda1/tce/optional/Xprogs.core.gz /mnt/hda1/tce
cp /mnt/hda1/tce/optional/Xlibs.core.gz /mnt/hda1/tce
cp /mnt/hda1/tce/optional/Xvesa.core.gz /mnt/hda1/tce

in order to load the initramfs with 'tce-setup' if needed? I can't test it now (i am at work), but would appreciate any advice.

Ah, Juanito is correct. alu, the base code doesn't prevent manual loading of extensions, my fault for forgetting ran as root.

su tc -c "tce-load ..."
instead of mere tce-load would run it as user tc. Try it with the base bootcode.


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