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i get it slowly; what i have found until now:

- placing any tcz extension in a /tce directory causes issues; in my machine, those extensions won't be loaded, and then i can't execute any script; so, it seems to be compulsory to place the extensions in /tce/optional directory and to symlink those needed at boot; that was not clear for me;

- placing the core.gz extension in /tce makes them loaded at boot; if i type 'base restore=hda1' in my bootline, X won't be loaded as other tcz extensions symlinked to /tce; i get a prompt line, as i want it, but the command that i have placed in (as the one to change the keyboard layout from us to another layout) won't be executed because de corresponding extension has not been loaded

to sum up: if i boot mc without base, and with restore=hda1 in my boot line, i am directly in X; if i boot with base and with restore=hda1, i have to run again in order to have the commands that i have written in executed; the behavior of 2.8rc2 was for me better, because i can boot without base and with restore=hda1 in my bootline, while keeping the possibility to load the core extension later (with a script), and while having all commands in executed at boot.

Are you suggesting to load X required extensions without loading X ?
There is no way to know by extension name which extensions would only apply to a CLI envirnoment.
I would think there would be so few CLI only that the way you are doing via /opt/bootlocal is perhaps the way.

i should be more accurate:

- with mc 2.8rc2, i was booting with the following bootline:

kernel /boot/bzImage swapfile noicons embed nodhcp restore=hda1 vga=792 quiet

i kept my backup in /mnt/hda1; i had only two tcz extension in /mnt/hda1/tce, which were bash.tcz and kmaps tcz; my *.core.tcz extensions were place in /mnt/hda1/tcz/X/; and these are my commands in

loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/fr_CH-latin1.kmap
/mnt/hda1/ln       <---- a script making symlinks to /home/tc
tce-load -i /mnt/hda1/tcz/Nano/nano.tcz
tce-load -i /mnt/hda1/tcz/Mc/mc.tcz
tce-load -i /mnt/hda1/tcz/Links/links-2.2.tcz

after the boot process, i get the prompt and i can work at the command line, or load the core extensions and my wm in order to work in X with the usual tce-load -i command (i am using a script for that).

- with 2.8rc3 i have exactly the same structure except for the *.core.gz extensions which are not in /mnt/hda1/tcz/Xvesa, but in /mnt/hda1/tce; booting mc 2.8.rc3 with the bootline above brings me directly in X; booting mc 2.8rc3 with 'base' in the bootline above brings me at the command line, but won't execute the command in; i have first to perform a tce-setup in order for bash.tcz, kmaps.tcz and the *.core.gz extensions to be loaded, and second i have to re-run in order to have all commands executed.

I would like to keep the behavior of mc 2.8rc2 while keeping the innovative management of extensions which 2.8rc3 brings.

You have already deviated quite a bit from the standard, having each extension in its own directory. The whole point of the new structure is to ensure a single common directory so that updates, whether batch or selective, dependency auditing, etc. can be supported. I can not be expected to support a custom installation via custom user scripts. None of the appsaudit functions would be successful in such a setup.

i see, and i have moved to standard placement of extensions; appsaudit is nice; however:

if i want to boot mc at the command line without the *.core.gz extensions loaded, and if i want to keep some commands in in order, for example, to keep my keyboard layout loaded at boot without the *core.gz extensions loaded, how should i do it ?  i mean, the purpose of mc is to enable the boot without x, and with customized preferences which can be placed in the file. Or not?


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