Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing


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Regarding tce-load usage:

--- Code: ---# Example usage:
# tce-load -i /mnt/hda1/tce/optional/nano.tcz   Loads local extension
# tce-load -w -i nano.tcz                       Download into tce/optional directory, links for OnBoot and installs
# tce-load -w nano.tcz                          Download only into tce/optional directory

--- End code ---

I'm a little confused just what options cause the "boot link" to be created in /tce ? Are both -w and -i required?

Could a little more explanation be provided.

Could a few of the more complicated usage examples be provided for the tce-audit command.

--- Code: ---Usage tce-audit: {builddb|dependson|requiredby|nodepends|audit|auditall|delete|marked} extname
--- End code ---

Could a little more explanation be provided for tce-update easy mode and inplace batch mode.

--- Code: ---# If not interactive then check for easy mode or inplace batch update
--- End code ---

Is tce-setup used by anything other than tc-config ?


--- Quote from: bigpcman on January 17, 2010, 01:52:52 PM ---I noticed there's still an ftp indicator in the tool panel. Is this correct? I thought ftp was dropped from the base.

Also, any progress on the dropbear extension?

--- End quote ---

ftp was dropped. Where is ftp shown? AFAIK, not shown when booted base norestore. What window manager are you using?


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