Hi, I have succeeded installing TinyCore on the 486 with 16 meg ram. I have installed it on a partition of the HDD. It rund pretty slow, but it runs. Far faster than DSL. Now, the problem is that it doesn't detect my ISA network card, a SMC 8140.
Here is a little tutorial (how I did it):
1) get a tomsrtbt on a floppy. to do this, you need to download it here
http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/system/recovery/tomsrtbt-2.0.103.tar.gz for linux and here
http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/system/recovery/tomsrtbt-2.0.103.dos.zip for dos. Make sure you use a good floppy
2) use a partitioning tool to create a linux ext2 partition
3) I have win 95 on a partition, and anodher fat32 partition; the windows has a network card so I got the tinycore.gz on a fat32 partition
4) I used tomsrtbt to start pc and mounted the ext2 and fat partitions
5) gunzipped and copied the file tinycore.gz and bzImage to the / of the ext2 partition;
gunzip tinycore.gz
cp /mnt/dos/tinycore.gz /mnt/ext2fs (just an example)
cp /mnt/dos/bzImage /mnt/ext2fs
cd /mnt/ext2fs
cpio -d -i<tinycore (here i added the -d command, to create needed directories)
6) created /boot/grub folder where i have put the file menu.lst with
title Tinycore
root (hd0,4)
kernel /bzImage root=/dev/hda5 (my case)
7) created a grub boot floppy on anodher linux system as described here
http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/4622 rebooted with the grub boot, and at the grub prompt i have issued the exact commands as in menu.lst and booted tinycore
9) mounted fd0 under /mnt/fd0
10) copied the files from floppy (stage*) to the /boot/grub/ and chmodded 777 -R /boot/grub/
mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/fd0
cp /mnt/fd0/boot/grub/stage* /boot/grub/
11) rebooted with the grub boot floppy and at the grub prompt gave the commmands from menu.lst without the last "boot" command
12) gave then setup (hd0,4) in my case which installed grub on the first sector of the tinycore partition
13) installed GAG boot manager (I like this one)
14) rebooted and everything worked fine
Now I have to find a way to com[ile support for my network card
But I'll take a break for now
I couldn't install it on an old laptop IBM thinkpad 755CD. It gave segfault when tried to start x server. It has 24 mb ram. I don't know what is the problem.
That's it