Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

Howto dual boot linux win xp.

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Grub4DOS is not a Windows application, neither a DOS one and not even a Linux one. It is all of those at the same time, just try:

--- Code: ---wget http://download.gna.org/grub4dos/grub4dos-0.4.4-2009-06-20.zip
unzip grub4dos-0.4.4-2009-06-20.zip
chmod 755 grub4dos-0.4.4/bootlace.com

--- End code ---

If you are that worried, always use it from within TinyCore. Just read the manual:

--- Code: ---dos2unix grub4dos-0.4.4/README_GRUB4DOS.txt
less grub4dos-0.4.4/README_GRUB4DOS.txt

--- End code ---


--- Quote ---If you are that worried,
--- End quote ---

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~ Pats


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