Off-Topic > Release Candidate Testing
The Second Release Candidate of Micro Core v2.8 (microcore_2.8rc2.iso), is now posted and ready for testing.
Change Log for Micro Core v2.8rc2
* Updated tce-load to allow miltiple loading, e.g., tce-load -i *.tcz
* Updated tce-load to drop ".tcz" requirement.
* Updated for better multiple cd and dvd devices.
* Cleanup of tce-setup & tce-update of l,m,lm, and ml code.
* Updated to cleanup old dual repository support.
* Updated tce-update to prompt before beginning easy mode batch update operation.
* After much Team testing and input, the upx'ed kernel returns, prior kernel is in distribution files.
* Dropped symlinker by using builtin cp construct.
* Updated tce-update for selective interaction via CLI options "query", "list", and "update".
* Dropped dropbearmulti from base.
* Updated rc.shutdown by reverse umount loops to support tcvd virtual drive.
Changes in:
* Updated appsaudit to allow selective removal of items "marked for deletion"
* Updated appsaudit to allow operation in tce directory as well as tce/optional directory.
* Updated appsaudit menu for smoother operation.
* Updated appsaudit new "Updates" option to "check for updates and selectively update wired into the tce-update options.
* Updated and reorganized cpanel, added "TCE Update", "USB Install", "Run Command", "Xkill", and "Xvesa Setup"
* Updated appbrowser cleanup of l,m,lm,ml code.
Xprogs.core.tcz did not make it into the repos, so after updateing, tce-update immediately downgrades it.
I can't put it in the repo until 2.8 is released, so catch-22 while in testing mode.
Using appsaudit from the panel and "build database", nothing appears to happen. From a terminal window, I get:
--- Code: ---$ appsaudit
Usage: tce-audit {builddb|dependson|requiredby|nodepends|audit|auditall|delete|marked} extname
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---$ tce-audit builddb gtkfind.tcz
/usr/bin/tce-audit: cd: line 128: can't cd to gtkfind.tcz
Building Tiny Core Extension Database from gtkfind.tcz
--- End code ---
In the logic of things, what happens next? Note that the network connection is up, but appsaudit/build database still doesn't show anything
Edit: perhaps Xprogs in the release candidates section is not the latest?
To build the database of dependices you need to specify a dir, e.g.:
tce-audit builddb /mnt/hda2/tce
To check for missing denpendencies on all extensions you need to specify a dir, e.g.:
tce-audit auditall /mnt/hda2/tce
To display all extensions that have no dependencies you need to specify a dir, e.g.:
tce-audit nodepends /mnt/hda2/tce
For all other reports use the full path, e.g.:
tce-audit requiredby /mnt/hda2/tce/webkit.tcz
tce-audit dependson /mnt/hda2/tce/midori.tcz
It is much easier to use appsaudit which loads up the path from user's default located in /opt/.tce_dir and makes selecting and reporting via the GUI very nice.
Of course using shell's edit capability of 'up arrorw' and 'tab completion' makes the cli easy as well.
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