You could tar up your /lib/modules/2.6.26-tinycore/kernel/drivers/net/rt2860sta.ko.gz and name it rt2860sta.tcem then copy it to your tce directory
tces are basically tarballs with optional menu and icon items.
The ending 'm' signals that the extension has module(s) and thus depmod is automactic.
By doing so, you can then drop these lines
cd /home/tc
cp rt2860sta.ko.gz /lib/modules/2.6.26-tinycore/kernel/drivers/net/
depmod -a
This also saves you from backing up and restoring the static content of rt2860sta.ko.gz
Something that TC encourages, factorization of static from dynamic content via making your own personal extensions.
I very much would like to do this but I'm running into a problem (essentially due to inexperience

I have read the
creating extensions guide but note that this refers to packages rather than to single files such as this driver.
In any event, what I did was to copy the "/lib/modules/2.6.26-tinycore/kernel/drivers/net/rt2860stta.ko.gz" file to "rt2860sta.filelist" and ran this command:
sudo tar -cvzpf rt2860sta.tcem rt2860sta.filelist
I was unable to use the --numeric-owner switch as it caused the command to fail.
I then placed the resulting rt2860sta.tcem in /mnt/hdd7/tce and commented out the three lines you referred to in your post from my script (startwifi).
However, during the next reboot, not only was wireless not started but the ra0 interface wasn't created either.
Obviously, I've slipped up somewhere.