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Marginal case - Suspend help request

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without dbus_glib extension (I see you have that listed on the repository). I rebooted with only suspend.tce and pci_utils.tce, and it still works great.

Next projects are hibernate and linking the suspend button to the suspend script. I'll let you know if I have any success with suspend-to-disk.

Thanks for compiling those extensions. Obviously useful stuff!

Since I got s2ram working, I repacked suspend.tce for my system. I added a wbar icon/spec file, menu file, and short script. I've attached the icon/spec/menu files below. Maybe they'll be useful for others.

To use these, one would have to create a script at /usr/local/bin/suspend.sh, and then repack the tce with all four files. See the wiki guide on Creating tce/tcz files.


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