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Kernel module extensions

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Before broadcom released a native driver, I was using the b43 module and firmware for my wireless card - as you describe below, I copied the firmware to /lib and then made a tce extension of it.

Making your own tce firmware extension is probably the way to go as the licence is unlikely to allow us to post an extension of this sort on-line. You could also package up your module in the same extension and call it tcem to be loaded on boot..

Like MikeLockmoore above, I would like to submit a USB wifi firmware package that loads into /lib/firmware, but I'm not sure how to make it PPI compatable.

The firmware package is GPL v2 compliant.

If it needs to be in /lib ... it may be a bit obscure, such as:
- copy files somewhere to /usr/local  such as /usr/local/lib/...
- create symlinks in a script, to be called during extension loading and/or system start (could use manual instructions here)

Jason W:
Storing files under /usr/local and using the startup script to copy them to /lib, /etc, or wherever is a good idea.  As well as installing into a directory under /usr/local and symlinking that directory to /usr or wherever by the script if apps must have them in /usr.  Any extension, whether kernel related or not, could be PPI compatible using that practice.


--- Quote from: Jason W on September 10, 2009, 08:30:44 AM ---Storing files under /usr/local and using the startup script to copy them to /lib, /etc, or wherever is a good idea.  As well as installing into a directory under /usr/local and symlinking that directory to /usr or wherever by the script if apps must have them in /usr.  Any extension, whether kernel related or not, could be PPI compatible using that practice.

--- End quote ---

While copy works, it is using additional RAM. I would prefer symlinks.


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